Gorgeous lush and so much AT to access, but eeeeeh gads, flippin’ super freezing. Winter jacket back on! No de-layering! Ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. It was cloudy. It was windy. Then in the morning it was foggy! You know that damp cold that just gets into your bones??? So of course, Kismet decides […]
Appalachian Trail
Vermont, night in the car to ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, well you get the idea, stay warmer than in the tent and not get our gear all wet again. It sounded so logical at the time. We checked with the head of Camp Dig Deep Vermont and he […]
My fur cannot keep up with these constant weather changes. Thicken up, shed down. Yes, I am an incredible cat and have virtually magical abilities, but have you noticed the bipeds don’t really feed me nearly as well, when they’re focused on finding us yet another habitable spot (just when […]
OK, besides escaping the rain who ha (and I don’t know exchanging it for snow???), this further north traversing is also reconnaissance for The Gluru. Yes, yes, per chance she hasn’t accepted it yet, but if I’m moving to the East Coast she needs to come this way as well. […]
Mossy here. Guess what? Rained last night. I know, I know, yet again. Where is my nice cozy couch and a good book? Anyway, Vermont here we come. We actually caught a blip on the internet about snow predictions up there. Eeeeeeh Gads!
OK, as you can see that Kismet is more fully involved in what we all as a family would like to get out of this, some changes will have to be made. We can’t exactly just leave him at some rest stop while we go hiking. We’re not fully convinced […]
Ha-ha, Mee-yowl-wow, New York, New York I reign supreme and have conquered you. You should have seen me last night. My first wild mouse on the hoof hunt! These New York mice are clueless. He never saw me coming. I was Warrior Cat, hear me roar! Even with my male […]
I thought the “driving customs” in Pennsylvania were bad. This place just gets wackier and wackier. Apparently, like just about every other non-New Yorker from what I’m hearing we almost went through the Holland Tunnel and/or over the George Washington Bridge without wanting to! What is with this place? Would […]
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, my aching cat paw pads. Why didn’t I look into some arch support, some of those sporty little deals I’ve seen some odd looking canines around town wearing? Sneakers for dogs? I’m sure there’s something much more aesthetically pleasing for cats. I hope I don’t have these things called […]
Freedom! Blogging privileges rescinded indeed! All I was doing was first of all teaching them a well deserved lesson of lack of appreciation and obeisance and the second time I wandered off, well I had just found this great trail to go hiking on. How was I supposed to know […]