Mossy here. Guess what? Rained last night. I know, I know, yet again. Where is my nice cozy couch and a good book? Anyway, Vermont here we come. We actually caught a blip on the internet about snow predictions up there. Eeeeeeh Gads!
Mossy here. Guess what? Rained last night. I know, I know, yet again. Where is my nice cozy couch and a good book? Anyway, Vermont here we come. We actually caught a blip on the internet about snow predictions up there. Eeeeeeh Gads!
Some people have heard of it, some have not. Called the AT (pronounced aaaaa-teeee) by those that have seen the white blazes, […]
So, the Delaware Water Gap actually seems to be in New Jersey and on the border of Pennsylvania. Yes, I’m sure it […]
They will tell you I went voluntarily, I missed some trip planning meetings, couldn’t bare to be separated from the pack, etc., […]
Goodbye Shenandoah Park and hello more of Virginia?? Wow, we got used to those rather shall we say petite Northeastern States and […]