Now wait a good 24 hours and voila! It’s good if you cover your mushrooms with a box or a bowl or something similar while you’re waiting for your spores to drop or you’ll probably end up with a blurry print just from random drafts of air. The spores themselves, […]
David Nutty
Here’s a bit of a before and after for you. Right after you get back from picking your fresh mushrooms, just carefully cut the stem off as close to the cap as possible without shaking any of the spores in the cap loose. Then arrange them on your paper that […]
Pysanky on little tiny quail eggs. Break out the micro goggles. They almost look like those chocolate foil wrapped eggs you see around Easter. Please do not eat these expecting a chocolate surprise. However, these might be good for that latest craze, Tiny Living in Tiny Houses?
Doesn’t this just remind you of a mushroom fairy ring that I was able to somehow magically pick all the mushrooms from and then rearrange them in time for them to drop all their lovely spores for me? Well that’s kind of the way it happened. Imagination is a good […]
Man, look at those guys behind The Big Kahuna, waiting their turn while he gets a color makeover. They’re so freaked out, they’ve gone totally white. That one guy, maybe could use some braces.
Von Helgor and Vampire Pumpkin have now gone local with their “war paint” in anticipation of the upcoming Pumpkin Fest, being held in Franklin, North Carolina NOT to be confused with Franklin, Tennessee’s Fest, thank you very much. Anyway, it is the boys’ time of year….pumpkins. Although, I guess no […]
Scary! Don’t look. Yes, it’s been a rough year and the guys do get a bit rambunctious. Don’t look now, but somebody is in the middle of the pumpkin version of a bit of a nip and tuck. Trust me. It’ll take years off your standard jack-o-lantern look. No scarring. […]
Shhhhhh, be bwery quiet. Papier-mâché pumpkins being born here. These are their initial layers shaped over big balloons and beach balls.
It’s Halloween People. Get gross. Get disgusting. This is not cutey pie time. We have a lot more holidays coming up for that. Think of it. A nice goopy bowl of mucous, slime with glass brains floating around. Trick or treat that! They’re also a good example of what you […]
Isn’t this beautiful? I’m still not sure how I got so lucky. This spore print was developed from an oyster mushroom that I actually grew at home! Yes, you too can grow your own mushrooms. Once it got big enough I carefully detached it from its growing medium and cut […]