Hello my digital feline serfdom. I couldn’t believe it when these bipeds of mine snatched me up yet again from a perfectly livable brick and mortar abode to yet again be locked up in this cage on wheels that goes way too fast? Feels like maybe 500 mph to me […]
Monthly Archives: May 2019
These 4AM starts on the Interstates are really starting to wear on us. Crossing a state line used to be mildly exciting, interesting even, to see what the next state would be like. Look, Land of the Arbor Day. Do you think we’ll see a lot of trees? Isn’t that […]
They will tell you I went voluntarily, I missed some trip planning meetings, couldn’t bare to be separated from the pack, etc., etc. You know what I say, Help!!!! Meeeeeeyowl and Meeeeeeyowl again! What is happening?!!! First of all, of course I knew something was up. I am one smart […]
Stayed up late talking, but now it’s a zero day. We aren’t going anywhere and the food is decadent, classic Americana (which we’ve had a long year of missing) and bad for your heart stopping classics with a soupçon of that healthy veggie stuff that actually makes it good. I […]
Colorado, bless you, civilization, lights and painted lines! It’s the little things. Actually it was the big ole well lit restroom facilities as well. By this time on the dark side of the moon o’clock, we’ve been driving straight through since 4AM for about 40 billion gazillion hours plus give […]
Wyoming. Finally! This isn’t that big of a state, we can do this. Forget civilization, no more Mexican cokes available. Good by Nutty jet fuel. No more cutesy hibiscus tea. This is black caffeinated tea and it will get us through. That state was endless, endless, desolate, no vegetation, hardly […]
Meanwhile, down on the other side of the summit and welcome to State #2 for the day, Nevada. Land of pretty darn straight roads, multiple correctional facilities and the triple trailer trucks. Those things are kind of scary cruising along at mach speed (average 80 mph or so on a […]
We were so keyed up, who needed alarms? Doesn’t everyone naturally wake up at 3:00 AM? The day has finally come people, we’re out of here. That only took a year of planning. What could we have forgotten? One has to assume just about anything essential. Nutty was still trying […]