Man, look at those guys behind The Big Kahuna, waiting their turn while he gets a color makeover. They’re so freaked out, they’ve gone totally white. That one guy, maybe could use some braces.
Scary! Don’t look. Yes, it’s been a rough year and the guys do get a bit rambunctious. Don’t look now, but somebody is in the middle of the pumpkin version of a bit of a nip and tuck. Trust me. It’ll take years off your standard jack-o-lantern look. No scarring. […]
Eeeek! Von Helgor’s making a run for the house! How’d he get so close? I’m not sure we want to stick around for his enhancements? Who would dare change a mark on him? Are those sawed off horns on his forehead? I know, I know. Who is “mas macho” now? […]
So, do we even want to know what evil plots Hal is coming up with here after his initial layer of Halloween Orange Re-Pumpkin-ication coating? I’m sure it will probably just enhance the scary Halloween atmosphere around here. That’s his buddy Fred, behind him who might not be quite as […]