Man, look at those guys behind The Big Kahuna, waiting their turn while he gets a color makeover. They’re so freaked out, they’ve gone totally white. That one guy, maybe could use some braces.
Paper Mache Pumpkins
Von Helgor and Vampire Pumpkin have now gone local with their “war paint” in anticipation of the upcoming Pumpkin Fest, being held in Franklin, North Carolina NOT to be confused with Franklin, Tennessee’s Fest, thank you very much. Anyway, it is the boys’ time of year….pumpkins. Although, I guess no […]
Scary! Don’t look. Yes, it’s been a rough year and the guys do get a bit rambunctious. Don’t look now, but somebody is in the middle of the pumpkin version of a bit of a nip and tuck. Trust me. It’ll take years off your standard jack-o-lantern look. No scarring. […]
So, do we even want to know what evil plots Hal is coming up with here after his initial layer of Halloween Orange Re-Pumpkin-ication coating? I’m sure it will probably just enhance the scary Halloween atmosphere around here. That’s his buddy Fred, behind him who might not be quite as […]
Oops! Sorry guys. Apparently Fred was having a private word (probably trash talking about Ernie floating around in the woods) with Hal while they were getting cosmetic updates and did not like getting interrupted for a photo-op before they’re completely gussied up. You know, they’re into the so-called natural finished […]