Man, look at those guys behind The Big Kahuna, waiting their turn while he gets a color makeover. They’re so freaked out, they’ve gone totally white. That one guy, maybe could use some braces.
Man, look at those guys behind The Big Kahuna, waiting their turn while he gets a color makeover. They’re so freaked out, they’ve gone totally white. That one guy, maybe could use some braces.
Pulp and Paste ….
Eeeek! Von Helgor’s making a run for the house! How’d he get so close? I’m not sure we want to stick around […]
Shhhhhh, be bwery quiet. Papier-mâché pumpkins being born here. These are their initial layers shaped over big balloons and beach balls.
So, do we even want to know what evil plots Hal is coming up with here after his initial layer of Halloween […]