Doesn’t this just remind you of a mushroom fairy ring that I was able to somehow magically pick all the mushrooms from and then rearrange them in time for them to drop all their lovely spores for me? Well that’s kind of the way it happened. Imagination is a good […]
Daily Archives: October 14, 2019
3 posts
Man, look at those guys behind The Big Kahuna, waiting their turn while he gets a color makeover. They’re so freaked out, they’ve gone totally white. That one guy, maybe could use some braces.
Von Helgor and Vampire Pumpkin have now gone local with their “war paint” in anticipation of the upcoming Pumpkin Fest, being held in Franklin, North Carolina NOT to be confused with Franklin, Tennessee’s Fest, thank you very much. Anyway, it is the boys’ time of year….pumpkins. Although, I guess no […]