Wow, that Parkway is long, green, and winding. We haven’t even officially gotten to the Smokies yet. However, off the Blue Ridge Parkway the mountains in the distance do look Smokey and blue in various hues and tones. They’re not making it up . They really do look blue and Smokey.
Saw fireflies on our last night. First time for me and they kind of do look like those Disney Fireflies on that Pirates of the Caribbean ride I think? Very magical and adorable. One minute you’re in total darkness watching camp TV, aka the fire, and then whoa, drive-by fly-by by the momentary firefly.
Went to the top of the highest peak here on the East Coast, Mount Mitchell. At least this time it was more fir tree green and cooler. All that southern leafy tree green was just getting dizzying. I’m craving some ocean right about now and we haven’t even gone back across the great, barren, heat wave that is a our country in the middle of summer. Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, you know what I’m talking about. We’ll definitely try not to think about that whole tornado alley section in the middle zone. Moving right along.
So off the trail for now and on to the great house search adventure. kismet says it’s all good and no time for chit chat now as he’s busy with the vole hunting and chasing off this pesky gray cat who had the audacity to think this was his territory, hah!