Kismet found. Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing! This is too much. Weather in the 30’s is not tra-la-la camping weather. Must leave Ice Station Zebra Camp and go even further south. There must be warmth somewhere.
Kismet found. Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing! This is too much. Weather in the 30’s is not tra-la-la camping weather. Must leave Ice Station Zebra Camp and go even further south. There must be warmth somewhere.
OK, no one disrespects the Kismet and those two bipeds are getting just a little too uppity. I was willing to let […]
They will tell you I went voluntarily, I missed some trip planning meetings, couldn’t bare to be separated from the pack, etc., […]
Bwahahahahahaha, meeeeeyowl. They were terrified. They were stumbling through the forest like the clumsy bipeds they are. My man who I love […]
Goodbye Shenandoah Park and hello more of Virginia?? Wow, we got used to those rather shall we say petite Northeastern States and […]