It’s Halloween People. Get gross. Get disgusting. This is not cutey pie time. We have a lot more holidays coming up for that. Think of it. A nice goopy bowl of mucous, slime with glass brains floating around. Trick or treat that! They’re also a good example of what you […]
Daily Archives: September 6, 2019
Isn’t this beautiful? I’m still not sure how I got so lucky. This spore print was developed from an oyster mushroom that I actually grew at home! Yes, you too can grow your own mushrooms. Once it got big enough I carefully detached it from its growing medium and cut […]
So one goose egg is equal to about two large chicken eggs and that’s what I used here. The goose egg definitely gave me a lot more “canvas” to work with. Pysanky is a layering process, so that increased size gave me many more designs to keep track of, as […]
Eeeek! Von Helgor’s making a run for the house! How’d he get so close? I’m not sure we want to stick around for his enhancements? Who would dare change a mark on him? Are those sawed off horns on his forehead? I know, I know. Who is “mas macho” now? […]
So, do we even want to know what evil plots Hal is coming up with here after his initial layer of Halloween Orange Re-Pumpkin-ication coating? I’m sure it will probably just enhance the scary Halloween atmosphere around here. That’s his buddy Fred, behind him who might not be quite as […]
Oops! Sorry guys. Apparently Fred was having a private word (probably trash talking about Ernie floating around in the woods) with Hal while they were getting cosmetic updates and did not like getting interrupted for a photo-op before they’re completely gussied up. You know, they’re into the so-called natural finished […]