Bwahahahahahaha, meeeeeyowl. They were terrified. They were stumbling through the forest like the clumsy bipeds they are. My man who I love and adore and hated having to do the harsh training with was whistling for me, doing his Gladys Kravitz call for me, etc. etc. I thought he was […]
Kismet here again. What are we doing? Not the car again! Every time we find a place which I would consider acceptable to start a new kingdom in, what do my beloved bipeds do? They stuff me in that puny metal cage on wheels again. That last place had really […]
Hello my digital feline serfdom. I couldn’t believe it when these bipeds of mine snatched me up yet again from a perfectly livable brick and mortar abode to yet again be locked up in this cage on wheels that goes way too fast? Feels like maybe 500 mph to me […]
They will tell you I went voluntarily, I missed some trip planning meetings, couldn’t bare to be separated from the pack, etc., etc. You know what I say, Help!!!! Meeeeeeyowl and Meeeeeeyowl again! What is happening?!!! First of all, of course I knew something was up. I am one smart […]